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DBWV Thanksgiving Cup Rules

DBWV Thanksgiving Cup Rules


REGISTRATION: Teams must register at the MANDATORY REGISTRATION. Mandatory Registration is at the check-
in/Registration tent at the field of the first day of play a minimum of one hour before the team’s first game. Failure to
appear on time at mandatory registration will result in automatic disqualification from the tournament without a refund. By
registering your team, you are committing to play all games scheduled for your team. Games not played will be classified as
a forfeit under the rules below. ALL teams are committed to playing ALL games, as scheduled.
CREDENTIALS: This is a Cal South and US Soccer sanctioned event. At the Mandatory Registration, teams must
provide the required credentials. All teams must provide valid laminated Player I.D. Cards with photographs, coach or
manager administrator card. Valid laminated player ID cards are Cal South ID cards, AYSO ID cards, US Soccer Club ID cards.
NO PLAYER CARD=NO PLAY. Players may use valid player cards from the 2023/24 season and/or the 2024/25 season. A
combination of years MAY be used. Teams rosters will be frozen once a team has completed check in (applies only for
players). Game cards/team roster will be issued at check in
U13 (2012) - U19 (2006) age groups • Up to twenty one (21) players
U11 (2014) – U12 (2013) age groups • Up to sixteen (16) players
U10 (2015 and younger) age group • Up to twelve (12) players
GUEST PLAYERS: Teams may use guest players as long as they have the proper credentials, but are still subject to the
maximum roster size rules above.
RULES OF PLAY: FIFA Laws of the Game will apply as modified by USYSA and Cal South as described herein. All 7v7
and 9v9 games will be played using the US Soccer mandated rules for the 2022/23 season.7v7 games: Deliberate heading is
not allowed in 7v7 games. If a player deliberately heads the ball in a game, an indirect free kick should be awarded to the
opposing team from the spot of the offense. If the deliberate header occurs within the goal area, the indirect free kick
should be take on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the nearest point to where the infringement occurred. Build
out line: When the goalkeeper has the ball in his or her hands during play from the opponent, the opposing team must
move behind the build out line until the ball is put into play. Once the opposing team is behind the build out line, the
goalkeeper can pass, throw or roll the ball into play (punts and drop kicks are not allowed). After the ball is put into play by
the goalkeeper, the opposing team can cross the build out line and play resumes as normal. The opposing team must also
move behind the build out line during a goal kick until the ball is put into play. If a goalkeeper punts or drop kicks the ball,
an indirect free kick should be awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the offense. If the punt or drop kick occurs
within the goal area, the indirect free kick should be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the nearest point
to where the infringement occurred. The build out line will also be used to denote where offside offenses can be called.
Players cannot be penalized for an offside offense between the halfway line and the build out line. Players can be penalized
for an offside offense between the build out line and goal line. To support the intent of the development rule, coaches and
referees should be mindful of any intentional delays being cause by opponents not retreating in a timely manner or
encroaching over the build out line prior to the ball being put into play. Coaches are responsible for addressing these types
of issues with their players. Referees can manage the situation with misconduct if deemed appropriate. Referees should be
flexible when enforcing the 6 second rule and counting the time of possession should only begin when all opponents have
moved behind the build out line. Punting nor drop kicking the ball by the GK is allowed. Goals may not be scored directly
from kick-off. Substitutions are unlimited and can occur at any stoppage. Deliberate heading IS allowed in the 9v9 games
ONLY for the U12 (2013) birth year games. Deliberate heading is NOT ALLOWED for the U11 (2014) birth year games.
Punting or drop kicking the ball by the GK WILL BE ALLOWED. There is no build out line on 9 v 9 games. Substitutions are
unlimited and can occur at any stoppage.

MATCH DURATION/TEAM SIZE Duration of games, team size, and ball size are as follows:
Division Prelim*. Semifinals/Finals* Players Ball size
U-19 (06) 35 min 35 min 11v11 5
U-18 (07) 35 min 35 min 11v11 5
U-17 (08) 35 min 35 min 11v11 5
U-16 (09) 30 min 30 min 11v11 5
U-15 (10) 30 min 30 min 11v11 5
U-14 (11) 30 min 30 min 11v11 5
U-13 (12) 30 min 30 min 11v11 5
U-12 (13) 25 min 25 min 9v9 4
U-11 (14) 25 min 25 min 9v9 4
U-10 (2015) 25 min 25 min 7v7 4
U9 and U8(2016-2018) 25 Minutes 25 Minutes 7v7 4
* Preliminary Games. A game is "complete" upon completion of one half of play regardless of the circumstances of
termination during the second half with final results based on the score at the time the game is called. Preliminary games
can end in a tie.
** Semi-Final or Final games tied after regulation will go directly to FIFA Kicks from the Mark to determine who the winner
HALF TIME: Halftime will be exactly five (5) minutes for all age groups.
BRACKET PLAY: Flight of 4 Teams: Round Robin play. The top two teams with the most points will
advance to the Championship match.
Flight of 6 Teams: Cross play. Top 2 teams with the most points will advance to the Championship
Flight of 8 Teams: Two brackets of 4 teams with round robin play within each bracket.  The top team
with the most points from each bracket will advance to the Championship match.

GAME CHECK-IN: Referees will perform safety checks prior to the start of each game. Field marshals will check in
players, player cards and will maintain game reports. Team managers must bring all player cards to every game. All
semifinal and final matches will involve a full roster check-in. Tournament staff will conduct spot checks throughout the
weekend and in response to requests from other teams in the age group. If a team is unable to produce player cards upon
request will be disqualified. Any coach or player receiving a red card or being sent off from a game will have his player card
surrendered to the referee until the required suspension has been served.
SUBSTITUTIONS: Teams may substitute only with the referee's permission at any stoppage of play. Substitutions
shall be unlimited.
PLAYERS’ EQUIPMENT: It will be at the game Referee's discretion to determine the safety and suitability of player
equipment including the wearing of a hard brace or cast. Referees will perform safety checks prior to the start of each
COACHING: All Coaches have total responsibility for the conduct of their players, substitutes, friends and spectators at
all times.

CAUTIONS AND EJECTIONS: A player receiving two cautions (yellow cards) in a single game will be given an
ejection (red card). A player who has been ejected (sent off), will not be replaced. A player who has been ejected will not
return for that game and will not be allowed to participate in the next scheduled game. A player who is ejected for violent
conduct will not be allowed to participate in the next TWO scheduled games, at a minimum. Further suspensions for Violent
Conduct or Referee Abuse may be issued at the discretion of the Tournament Director or tournament official. Any player or
coach who assaults a referee will be expelled from the Tournament. A coach who has been ejected (sent off) will be
suspended the same as a Player ejection. During game suspension(s) for coaches: there can be NO contact between the
team and the coach during the game and the coach must be out of sight and sound of the field. Additionally, the coach
must not be involved in unacceptable conduct (defined as coaching his/her players by any means or method, or harassment
of opponents/players/referees/staff). Failure to adhere to this rule will result an immediate ejection from the tournament
for the coach.
SUSPENDED AND TERMINATED GAMES: If in the opinion of the referee a game must be suspended (for
reason), the game may be resumed, but is subject to being ended not less than five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled start
of the next game. If in the opinion of the referee, a game must be terminated for misconduct of players, bench, coaches, or
spectators; the offending team and the team responding could be suspended from further play and will forfeit that game
and all remaining games. All previous points earned remain as played. Additionally, the home league and State Association
will be contacted as appropriate.
INJURY: Additional time will not be added to the game for injuries. All games will be played on a running clock.
TOURNAMENT COMPETITION REFEREE DECISIONS: The decisions of the referee regarding facts
connected with play are final.
DETERMINING WINNERS: Teams will be awarded points on the following basis:
- Three (3) points for each win
- One (1) point for each tie
- Zero (0) points for each loss
In the event two teams are tied in points at the end of bracket play, the teams to advance will be determined as follows:
1. The winner in head to head competition
2. Best goal differential in overall competition
3. Most goals for
4. Most total wins
5. Most shutouts
6. If a tie still exists after steps 1 through 5, a coin toss will be made with two tournament officials and both team’s
coaches present, the result of which will then be communicated to each team.
HOME TEAM: The Home Team will be the team who appears first on the game schedule. The Home Team will be
required to switch to alternate jerseys to accommodate a color conflict as declared by the referee. The Home Team will
have the selection of the bench they wish to play from, and the direction in which they would like to play before the initial
kickoff. The game balls will be subject to Referee approval.
VISITING TEAM: The Visiting Team will be the team who appears second on the game schedule. The Visiting Team
shall be awarded the initial kickoff.

TEAMS AND SPECTATORS: Coaches and players will be situated at the home side of the field, spectators will be at
the opposite side of the field mirroring their team and coach on their half side of the field
FORFEITS: An automatic forfeit will be given if any of the following occur:
1. A team is not present and ready to play with a minimum number of eligible players (7 eligible players for ages 2011
through 2005 and 5 eligible players for ages 2016 through 2012), an eligible coach, and verified player cards, within 5
minutes after the original kickoff time.
2. A team fails to check in at Mandatory Registration.
All teams who forfeit will have the game(s) scored a 0-1 loss. The winner will be awarded three (3) tournament points for a
forfeit. With regards to #1 above and in the case that players, coach or player cards arrive after the match has been
forfeited, by mutual consent the teams may elect to play a shortened match that must end at the originally scheduled end
time for the match.

PROTESTS: No protest or appeal process exists for disputes on or off the field.
DISPUTES: Game conduct is under the jurisdiction of the referee and the tournament will not overrule a referee’s
decision. All disputes off the field of play will be settled by the Tournament Director or by his/hers designee and the
decision will be final.
GUEST TEAMS: The Tournament may accept a team as a “Guest Team” in order to fill a late vacancy in a Division.
Guest Teams cannot advance out of Bracket. Guest Team game results are predetermined to be a 1-0 loss against the Guest
Team. The opposing team is awarded three points.
WALNUT RANCH PARK AND FAIRPLEX FIELDS RULES: All participants and spectators must strictly
adhere to Park rules:
1. NO alcoholic beverages are allowed inside the park or parking lot
2. No dogs are allowed at WALNUT RANCH PARK.
3.Drive cars only in designated areas.

4. Follow all signs and Parking Attendants.
5. No participants or spectators are allowed on the fields prior to 6:30 am.
6. All participants and spectators that violate the above rules will be removed from premises and not be allowed to return.

REFUND POLICY: In the event of inclement weather or other circumstances out of the tournament’s control
leading to a complete cancellation of the event in which no games are played, DBWV may refund a maximum of
75% of the tournament’s registration fees. In the event of inclement weather matches may be shortened or
cancelled at the Tournament committee’s discretion. If all assigned games are unable to be played the winner

may be decided by FIFA penalty kicks. A reduced/modified schedule due to inclement weather is not considered a
tournament cancellation.
TOURNAMENT PLAY OLDERS WEEKEND ALL DIVISIONS: All age groups and divisions are guaranteed
three (3) games scheduled between Saturday and Sunday. Two teams will advance to finals on Sunday. All teams are
expected to show up for all games. If a team forfeits one game all their remaining games will be counted as a forfeit
All referee decisions are considered final. Red cards and ejections will not be rescinded. We will not
review any video to support any protest, objection, complaint or matter of judgement. Cheating will
not be tolerated. Any team caught cheating, in any manner, will immediately be forfeited out of the
event and will not be accepted in to any event in the future.
WAIVER OF LIABILITY: If accepted to participate in the FC MAN UNITED CUP you agree to release, indemnify
and hold harmless the FC MAN UNITED, Diamond Bar Walnut Valley Soccer League, FC MAN UNITED and
CALIFORNIA YOUTH SOCCER ASSOCIATION, officials, coaches, referees, sponsors and/or representatives from any action
brought about through claims, lawsuits or any type of judgements that may arise out of any injury, physical or monetary to
members posted on your submitted game roster
The tournament director has the right to amend and/or change the above rules if
he/she feels it is necessary for any reason.




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